Index of Terms:

Before you begin working with a Net.Create data network, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with some of the terminology:

Core Vocabulary

  • Node: The individual data points. Generally, these are discrete objects such as people, places, and things.
  • Edge: The connections between the nodes. These are often types of actions such as “likes,” “dislikes,” “shares resources with,” etc.
  • Attributes: The characteristics of each node or edge. For nodes, this can refer to what kind of data point it is and how many connections it has. For edges, this refers to information such as the nodes which it connects and the strength of that connection. For more, see Node Data and Edge Data.
  • Centrality: The relative importance of individual data points in a network, which can be measured in different ways, such as Degree, Betweenness, and Eigenvector Centrality.
  • Community: A densely connected set of nodes within the larger network.

Node Vocabulary

  • Type: Denotes which of the created Node Types the data point is.
  • Notes: Contains information drawn directly from the source about the node.
  • Comments: Contains information the data-entry team can use to understand how the node, its notes, and its related edges were entered.
  • Degrees: Denotes the number of connections the selected node has to other nodes in the network.

Edge Vocabulary

  • Type: Denotes which of the created Edge Types is connecting two nodes.
  • Notes: Includes information relevant to the connection.
  • Date: Indicates the time when the connection occurred.
  • Weight: Denotes how close of a linkage the edge is. (Default: 1)
  • Comments: Includes information relevant to others who work on the network.
  • Citation: References to the raw data as to where the connection comes from (Book Chapter, Stephanus Page, etc.)