
Get a copy of Net.Create

Net.Create's features are drawn from needs established collaboratively by a team of digital-humanities practitioners, educational researchers, network-analysis specialists and agile software developers

The Command-line Version

Net.Create is built on a Node.JS, React and D3 core and uses npm to manage its packages. If you’ve got a computer running MacOS (or you’re willing to invest $5/month in a Digital Ocean droplet), are comfortable with command line work (or willing to experiment), have admin control over your computer, and have a basic understanding of GitHub, check out the source code at

Documentation for Installation

Our installation documentation is a work in progress but it provides [basic tutorials for new-to-the-command-line users, a full set of installation instructions for MacOS and Digital Ocean, and instructions for creating user-access tokens.

User Guide

Our user guide provides basic information on how to add and edit nodes and edges and how to “read” the network “graph” or visualization.

The Easy Version (Coming Soon)

We’re in the process of working through requirements for a 1-click install version of Net.Create at Digital Ocean. If you want to be notified of Net.Create news, please let us know through our Contact Form